Sunday, August 30, 2009


Status: My eyes only

OMG i can’t believe this last week! i just want to—want to—but of course i can’t. obviously we’re keeping it secret, bc how royally screwed will i (ok we) b if it comes out. you think you know someone, right? cause you see them every day and you figure you have some idea of who they r and then all of a sudden everything changes.

i don’t even feel like i can write it here. i know, paranoid right? but this changes everything. i don’t know how to handle it—but i have to figure it out soon, bec i’m pretty sure that brook knew something was up just from the way i was acting in the car.

the girls want to go out to dinner and the new zack effron movie tonight. i don’t know what i should do. if i don’t go they’ll probably get suspicious, esp after the retreat, but if i DO go i know i’ll say something stupid.

i know—i’ll tell them that i got lyme disease and i’m too tired to go out. That will buy me some time to think this stuff thru.

(Continue to Brook's schedule.)