Friday, October 2, 2009

Outbox: Re: you ok?

To: Brook Haupenstaat
From: Chelsea Haupenstaat
Subject: Re: you ok?

hi b. i’m glad yr ok. i called mom and asked her to call me in sick. i feel like a zombie today. SO drained. and my head hurts worse than it ever has b4.

yesterday was fine. i took some advil and the fever went down, and then soaked for a while in the tub. i feel just BLAH.

bring chicken soup home?


(Continue to find out what's going on at ReginaPro.)

Inbox: you ok?

To: Chelsea Haupenstaat
From: Brook Haupenstaat
Subject: you ok?

Hi Chels,

You were asleep when I got home, and I didn’t want to wake you up. How are you feeling? Better, I hope.

Listen. I’m really sorry I didn’t come home when you texted. I was on my way when all hell broke loose over at ReginaPro. I hope you’re not mad.

It’s funny, but I didn’t arrive until after all the action was over. I just missed the last lightning strike, Darcy said. I’ll bet if I had gone straight from school to RP I would’ve been part of the end of the disaster, but luckily—thanks to your text—I managed to avoid it all.

Anyway, let me know if I can do anything to make you feel better. I love you.


(Continue to the response.)