Monday, November 23, 2009

Diary at super-camp

Status: My eyes only

ok, so really its called the training centre (and everyone says it all official sounding, like Training Centre) but i like super camp because they do try to make it feel like camp. not like the last time i went to camp—no trust exercises so far, thank god—but also no icky cabins. more like dorms.

d&i r sharing 1 dorm with 2 beds, & also each with our own computer & a mp3 player (that 1’s a welcome gift, with music by & about supers and also like a million educational podcasts) & its all clean and decent. not home, but not skanky motel 6 either.

now we’re having a break, and i’m getting a chance to play with the computer. we’re “encouraged” to keep a journal while we’re here, cause of all the major changes i guess, there’s personal space here on the nsc network to keep track of our thoughts and what we’re doing. deena’s like write-write-writing about EVARything and i know that because she’ll stop and be like “hey chelsea was that 1st session 45 minutes or an hour this morning?” or “did she mention if it’s kristi with a K or a C?” and i’m all psh deena, give it a rest.

but a whole lot has happened since we flew into newark yesterday. we got our bags and then outside by the pickup area there was this black van and this dude with sunglasses & really nice clothes (i know a this season dior coat when i see 1) and as soon as we were outside he came over and introduced himself. we had all been surprised that there was nobody out there with a sign, but i guess they know how 2b sneaky and anyway he must have had our pictures b4.

he took off his sunglasses 2 introduce himself to us & say hi to mom. His name is oliver—he’s the guy who emailed us before—but later on he told me&d that all of his friends call him utah and we should too. when i asked he said that he wasn’t from utah but that’s just his nickname & i said that’s cool my sister’s name’s brooklyn but she’s not from brooklyn and anyway every1 just calls her brook and then deena nudged me to tell me i was rambling and i’m glad she did and then i shut up.

after we said bye to mom, utah took us to the van and we all sat in the back. The windows were all painted over and there was a divider between the 3 of us & the driver so we didn’t see anything else for the next couple hours while we drove to the Centre.

if i haven’t mentioned it yet utah’s totally hot. he’s 24 & asian except his eyes are really pale—pretty sure it’s power related—& when he took off his coat i didn’t recognize his shirt but it was a gorgeous dress shirt & when i asked he said that yeah it was 100% silk.

outside when he met us utah was squinting a lot & put his sunglasses back on right away. in the van it was pretty dark tho so he took off his sunglasses and seemed pretty comfortable. when we asked him about powers he said of course he was a super and his power was perception & he can recognize even tiny changes in things, only all of his senses are 2 strong so he always wears earplugs & sunglasses & has his clothes custom made from the softest material he can & w/ really careful French seams that won’t bother his skin. he also won’t drink tap water or coffee or alcohol & he’s all picky about his food. makes sense i guess. & when he’s not @ the NSC he consults for surgeons & jewelers & high tech manufacturers because he’s good at noticing important stuff they miss. i don’t know if it sounds like a cool or sucky power, but it obviously pays good.

so we drove for about 3 hours and don’t really know where we are except deena says she thinks it might be ny but its probably pennsylvania. there’s nothing around but trees & fields & some buildings & a tall building that’s headquarters. i don’t know if we’ll be allowed in there any time or not.

utah says he’s like our counselor when we’re here, & makes sure we’re doing what we’re supposed to do and going to the right places & all that.

so far the people we’ve met have all been nice. i hope this turns out to be a fun month!

deena says its time to go now. l8r!

(Back to Deena's story.)

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